Part one included the Torrey Canyon disaster, harmony with nature and protections for mako sharks, with hints that they are all connected by something specific, something important. Something to do with rights and liability… You…
Know What You Want for The Oceans
This story is about everywhere and everything. But we’ll begin in 1967. And we’ll begin with a shipwreck. Picture a disaster at sea and its easy to imagine dramatic conditions playing a part. The loss…
A grey whale is charismatic even when it’s dead. The eighth grey to be stranded on BC’s coast this year, and the 4th to be found on the coast of Haida Gwaii according to Fisheries…
Half Bold New Vision, Half Not So Much–New Government Report on the Future of BC’s Fisheries. By Jason Murphy
by Jason MurphyIf you’re a fan of clarity of vision and decisive action, the government report published on Wednesday entitled West Coast Fisheries: Sharing the Risks and Benefits is something of a disappointment. Make no mistake–there are…
Canada’s Department of Fisheries and Oceans (DFO) comes in for a boatload of criticism. Its job is to conduct science to predict the potential impacts of possible management strategies in Canadian waters, and then, in…
For a man who begins a conversation by saying pessimistic things, Professor Daniel Pauly is remarkably good company. Not all of the interviews we do for Sealives are prearranged, many are serendipitous. An arrangement is…
Dark Forces and Bright Horizons – The Realpolitik of Ocean Conservation at a Macro Level
by Jason MurphyThe Good Ship UBC The University of British Columbia (UBC) could almost be a ship, poised as it is on the promontory forming the southern shore of Burrard Inlet, the expanse of water where the…